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Introduction to NLP (ML003)

This course is an introduction to basic concepts of NLP and its implementation in Python. The course has 3 parts -
Introduction - Definition and concepts of different techniques and terminologies used in all NLP applications
Sentiment Analysis - Concept, Use, and working in python
Applications 2 - Topic Modelling & Text Classification - Basic concept
  • Introduction
  • Introduction to NLP - Jupyter Notebook
  • Introduction to Regex - Jupyter Notebook
  • Introduction to Application of NLP
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Text Classification & Topic Modelling
  • Assignment 1 (Regex)
  • Assignment 2 (NLP)
  • Test - MCQ
  • Test - 1
  • Training Feedback - NLP
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year