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A JavaScript Library for Building Web Apps - ReactJS

React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.

ReactJS offers graceful solutions to some of front-end programming’s most persistent issues, allowing you to build dynamic and interactive web apps with ease. It’s fast, scalable, flexible, powerful, and has a robust developer community that’s rapidly growing. There’s never been a better time to learn React.

You’ll develop a strong understanding of React’s most essential concepts: JSX, class and function components, props, state, lifecycle methods, and hooks. You’ll be able to combine these ideas in React’s modular programming style.


Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Basic understanding of ES6 features. Here’s my article explaining some of the ES6 features.
To get started you should at least know the following features:
1. Let
2. Const
3. Arrow functions
4. Imports and Exports
5. Classes
Basic understanding of how to use npm.
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 1 - Introduction.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 2 - Hello World.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 3 - Folder Structure.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 4 - Components.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 5 - Functional Components.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 6 - Class Components.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 7 - Hooks Update.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 8 - JSX.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 9 - Props.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 10 - State.mp4
  • Assignment 1
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 11 - setState.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 12 - Destructuring props and state.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 13 - Event Handling.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 14 - Binding Event Handlers.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 15 - Methods as props.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 17 - List Rendering.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 18 - Lists and Keys.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 19 - Index as Key Anti-pattern.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 20 - Styling and CSS Basics.mp4
  • Assignment 2
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 21 - Basics of Form Handling.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 23 - Component Mounting Lifecycle Methods.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 24 - Component Updating Lifecycle Methods.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 25 - Fragments.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 26 - Pure Components.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 27 - memo.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 28 - Refs.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 29 - Refs with Class Components.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 30 - Forwarding Refs.mp4
  • Assignment 3
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 31 - Portals.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 32 - Error Boundary.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 33 - Higher Order Components _Part 1_.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 34 - Higher Order Components _Part 2_.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 36 - Render Props _Part 1_.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 37 - Render Props _Part 2_.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 38 - Context _Part 1_.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 39 - Context _Part 2_.mp4
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 40 - Context _Part 3_.mp4
  • Assignment 4
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed